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Arama -- Soru

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- Man's use of pictures to tell stories and to record experiences ......... in prehistoric times, when he ......... on the walls of caves.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- My team ….... a match for a month, so currently the manager ....... resigning if they lose one more match.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- My brother ......... past the post office every morning and I ......... him all week to post a letter for me, but he keeps forgetting, so I'm going to post it myself tomorrow.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- The football team that ......... last year's championship ......... little chance of winning it again this year.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- Freedom of the press ......... an issue between people and their governments since the time individuals ......... newspapers independent of government control for the first time.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- The hikers ......... so tired by the time they ......... the top of the hill that I'm sure they'll first want to sit down for a rest.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- When the young scouts .......... the top of the hill, they .......... for more than an hour.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- Modern exploration of the undersea world had its beginnings in June 1943, when Jacques Cousteau ........ his first dive with a revolutionary breathing device which he ....... with Emile Gagnan, ...

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- She says that she .......... the eight o'clock train tomorrow, but I'm sure she ......... it, as usual.

YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- The fishermen .......... more fish in one night than ever before, so when they anchored in the harbour, they .......... with joy at the thought of their reward.