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Şifremi Unuttum                  Kayıt Yap

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- Farmers have to ............. their seeds evenly throughout the field. If they fall together in clumps, they will not grow properly.

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- When I began assembling the bookshelf, I was afraid it might be rather flimsy, but when the final screws were tightened, it was quite ............... .

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- For the first few weeks after its release, tickets for Titanic were so much in .............. that you had to queue for hours to get a seat.

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- My father is not a/an ............... person, who displays his emotions openly, but I know he is so fond of his grandchildren.

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- The Smiths were keen to buy the cottage until they brought in a surveyor and found that damp conditions over the years had caused the woodwork to

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- Every girl in the school had a/an ............... — Sally was called 'Carrots' because she had orange hair, and Tina was known as 'Tiny' because she was so small.

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- One of the major problems in this village nowadays is the .............. of jobs for young people, and of course, if they can't get jobs they just leave and head to the city.

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- How can Smith's bakery be making a/an .............. on their cakes? Their prices are ridiculously low and the ingredients alone must cost more!

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- Angela didn't go to school for three weeks, and somehow, she managed to ........... her mother by leaving the house every day at the usual time wearing her school uniform.

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- The children obviously found the play extremely ............. as they giggled from beginning to end.