Üye Girişi
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Arama -- clause
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- Irish whiskey is made from rye, so it
has a different taste from Scottish
whiskey, ......... is made from wheat.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- Hundreds of United Nations
peacekeeping soldiers have been sent to
Sierra Leone, ....... there is a civil war
at the moment.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
Stratford-upon-Avon, the English town
....... Shakespeare was born in, has a
beautiful theatre by the River Avon.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- Unfortunately, the field ........ we had to
put our tent up was extremely muddy.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- I admit that Sally is not a good cook,
but the meal she cooked us was much
nicer than the one ......... we ate at a
restaurant last Saturday.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- David Bowie, .............. career has lasted
over 20 years, drew the largest crowd
at Glastonbury Festival.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- Do you think the scarf ........... I'm
wearing goes with my dress?
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- Once again the manager, .......... anger
was often directed at the salespeople,
told Paul that if he didn't improve his
performance, he could face dismissal.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- The show, .......... the contestants are
monitored on cameras twenty-four
hours a day, has caused controversy in
Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.
YDS Soruları/YDS Relative Clauses (who / which / that)
- The room ........ we are standing in now
is the one ........ the President used to
write his letters.