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İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
She has been working for that firm ............... since she left school.https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/GRAMMAR-TEST-6-1.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
............... , he didn't want to try again.https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/GRAMMAR-TEST-7-15.html
KPSS Soruları/KPSS Türkçe Soruları
“Türkçedeki “-a” eki isimden fiil veya fiilden isim yapabilen eklerdir.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisinde “-e, -a” ötekilerden farklı bir görevdedir?https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/SOZCUKTE-YAPI---TEST-149-15.html
YDS Soruları/YDS Çeviri Soruları
Significant changes have been observed in international relations since the collapse of the Soviet Union.https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-Ingilizce-Turkce-Ceviri-Sorulari453-7.html
YDS Soruları/YDS Çeviri Soruları
Since they closely concern all living things, we all have to be very sensitive to environmental problems.https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-Ingilizce-Turkce-Ceviri-Sorulari453-40.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
We ---- any news of his whereabouts since he
---- his job with the company. (YDS-1999)https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/Focus-On-Grammar-Cikmis-OSYM-Sorulari195-22.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
Since everyone ---- different, it ---- a good idea to
draw up a realistic career plan based on one's
own limits. (YDS-2005)https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/Focus-On-Grammar-Cikmis-OSYM-Sorulari195-42.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
At that time, since her aunt ---- in the same
neighbourhood, she ---- her at least once a
week. (YDS-2005)https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/Focus-On-Grammar-Cikmis-OSYM-Sorulari195-45.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
The scientific method ---- mankind’s greatest
means of discovery and progress ever since it
was formulated. (YDS-2007)https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/Focus-On-Grammar-Cikmis-OSYM-Sorulari195-49.html
İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
The new recordings of Corelli’s concertos ---- a
welcome opportunity to reflect on some of the
changes in taste that ---- since 1989. (YDS-20...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/Focus-On-Grammar-Cikmis-OSYM-Sorulari195-50.html