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YDS Soruları/YDS Tenses / Zamanlar Soruları
- ....... the United Nations decided to
act, it was too late to stop a huge
civilian refugee problem in Kosova.
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) Iron has been considered mystical and precious since ancient times. (II) That's why, horseshoes, which were made of iron, became good luck c...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-1444-12.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) Many types of toothpaste contain large
amounts of fluoride. (II) If ingested in excessive
amounts, fluoride can cause various health
problems. (III) However, there are many other
more danger...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-1444-27.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I)It is a fact that watching a solar eclipse
without eyewear protection seriously damages
your eyesight. (II) Since some experts have
claimed that the solar eclipse triggered the
1999 earthquak...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-1444-34.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
One of the legends of the sea that has
persisted even to today is the story of the
Bermuda Triangle. (II) It has been proved that
many of the lost ships were not in the Bermuda
Triangle at all. (...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-2445-7.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
(I)During the Renaissance period, all of the
women wore a corset. (II) Moreover, a woman
was put to shame if she was found absent of a
corset. (III) Corsets resembled a cone, as they
were small a...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-2445-9.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) Visits to the summit of Etna can be very
dangerous. (II) This is not only so when
eruptions occur at or near the summit. (III) Etna
is a surprisingly large mountain. (IV) That's why
people c...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-3446-4.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) Venice experiences many floods throughout
the year. (II) One of the reasons is that the
water from the ocean comes through to the city.
(III) Since the streets are very low the water fills
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) Big cats used in performances present a
grave danger. (II) During and after attacks,
these animals are often beaten. (III) They are
dangerous both to the public and to their
trainers. (IV) I...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-4447-9.html
YDS Soruları/YDS İlgisiz Cümleyi Bulma
- (I) The history of backgammon began almost
5,000 years ago. (II) Throughout its history, the
Church attempted several times to ban the
game. (III) They brought backgammon to their
homes in Ameri...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CUMLE-ATMA---TEST-4447-19.html