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YDS Soruları/YDS Durum Soruları
As a farmer you are experienced in animal husbandry and have a herd of healthy cattle. The
herds in the neighbouring farms, however, have been hit by foot-and-mouth disease. Despite
the stringent m...https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/YDS-CIKMIS-KPDS-SORULARI-DURUM506-76.html
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
It was not until 1962 that the first
communications satellite could be sent up.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
Since people's sense of humour varies,
so does the impact of jokes on them.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
Understanding forecasts isn't always easy
because many terms used to describe the
weather are ambiguous.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
Despite their lack of financial
resources, the islanders seemed
incredibly happy.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
Since the train is due to depart at
seven, we should meet at the station at
quarter to.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
I went to my home town for the first time in
twenty years and saw that it hadn't changed
a bit.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
I was hardly upset that she did not want
to see me again since the feeling was
entirely mutual.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
Despite not being widely known in her own
time, Jane Austen had a small band of
dedicated followers.
YDS Soruları/YDS Eş Anlam Soruları
The driver of the truck ignored the warning
signs, so it was only natural that he had an