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Arama -- since
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- ....... Moroccan law, girls cannot marry ....... the age of 16.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- ....... arrival, passengers are to proceed immediately ....... "Passport Control Desk”.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- ....... World War II, Japan was a highly militarised country, but ....... then, it has been
illegal for Japan to possess any armed forces.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- I had thought ....... going out tonight, but ....... usual, I have no money.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- I have found it better to send parcels ....... private courier services since I have no
faith ....... the US Post Office.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- Since it is such a difficult decision, I think I'll ....... it and tell you tomorrow.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- I've been working very hard ....... lunchtime, so I expect to have finished this report
....... 5 o'clock.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- We had to find our way ....... moonlight since there were no street lights.......such a
remote area.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- Bill Clinton was elected president twice, each time ....... a term ....... four years.
YDS Soruları/YDS Phrasal Verbs / Prepositions
- The Chancellor's successful handling ....... the economy has virtually guaranteed his
party's success ....... the next elections.